Division 9 is the Specialty Trade Contractors and Suppliers division. We have a great group that enjoys each other’s company and shares timely and valuable information useful to our law practices. Here are some of the things we have been up to in recent months and the things we plan to do this season.
Social Media & Division 9
Division 9 is now on LinkedIn! In order to facilitate communication between Division 9 members, Division 9 has created a LinkedIn Group Page. This LinkedIn Group Page will allow Division 9 members to receive updates of upcoming events and opportunities. It will also allow members to post topics, questions or issues for which other members can respond and exchange ideas, such as legal research issues, expert witness recommendations, mediator/arbitrator experiences, etc. Click here to join us on LinkedIn, or conduct a group search for “Division 9”.
Recent Programs
Division 9 has enjoyed the benefit of some great educational programs within its monthly conference calls and Division 9 breakfast meetings. In December, 2010, John F. Ashley of Encore Discovery Solutions gave a very informative seminar on what every practitioner should expect when it comes to electronic discovery. The focus was on how to manage e-discovery for smaller cases or smaller clients. In January, at the Forum’s Mid-Winter meeting in New York City, Division 9 teamed up with Division 11/Corporate Counsel to host a breakfast program on “Subcontractor Pass Through Claims.” The program was moderated by Aaron Silberman, immediate past chair of Division 9. Most recently, at the February conference call, Bob Cox spoke about “Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Subcontractors.” BIM is a cutting edge technology rapidly gaining currency in the construction industry. BIM presents a new set of legal issues to consider for our clients.
Upcoming Programs
Division 9 is gearing up to produce a breakfast program with Division 1/Dispute Avoidance and Resolution called “Desperate Litigation Measures for Desperate Times.” This program will take place at the Forum’s Annual Meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona in April. It will surely be a very entertaining session as the panelists will be discussing new and inventive claims being brought by practitioners in this economic climate. For our March teleconference, we plan to hear from the American Subcontractors Association concerning hot pending legislation and recent cases affecting subcontractors.
New Book Project
Division 9 is embarking on a book project concerning legal principles involving subcontracting. The project is still being organized and this is the perfect time for you to get involved. Please e-mail Aaron Silberman,, or Joe Kovars,, to express your interest.
Join Us
To join Division 9/Specialty Trade Contractors and Suppliers, simply send an e-mail to the Chair, Joe Kovars, See for yourself why our motto is “Things are Fine in Division 9”!