Nicholas Siegfried Served as Program Co-Chair for ABA Forum on Construction Law 2018 Fall Meeting

Siegfried Rivera
October 8, 2018


Firm shareholder Nicholas D. Siegfried served as a program co-chair for the American Bar Association Forum on Construction Law’s 2018 Fall Meeting.  The event, which took place Oct. 4-5, 2018 in Montreal, Canada and was titled “It’s Lonely at the Top: Building a Successful Team with the Owner,” drew more than 450 ABA members and construction law practitioners.

Together with his fellow co-chair, Nicholas led the development and planning for the meeting’s program, which focused on the best practices for building a successful project team.  It presented viewpoints from both in-house and outside counsel as well as consultants on topics including:

  • Selecting the right delivery method for the project.
  • Negotiating contract clauses that lead to a successful project and avoid disputes.
  • Hot topics and issues with financing the project.
  • Innovative insurance products that help to reduce and allocate risks.
  • Strategies for addressing disputes proactively, before they mushroom into full-blown litigation.
  • The evolution of P3s and what their future holds in store.
  • Key ethical considerations and issues in the procurement and construction industry.

Our firm salutes Nicholas for playing an integral role in the planning of the program for this event.